Project 3: Slug Dining

CSE 130 Principles of Computer Systems Design

Spring 2023

Project 3 is out!

  • Use synchronization primitives to implement complex specification
  • Due 5/14
  • GitHub Classroom to create a repo, submit on Gradescope

Slug Dining

  • You are hired as a system manager at the UCSC dining hall.
    • Write dining.c that works as a dining hall reception.
  • Each dining has a capacity: the maximum number of students that can be inside the dining hall at a time.
  • The cleaning provider often comes in to clean the dining hall
    • They use chemicals so they can only clean when no students are present


  • dining_t: struct that holds necessary variables.
  • dining_t* dining_init(int capacity): constructor for dining_t.
  • void dining_student_enter(dining_t* dining): Called when a student tries to enter.
    • Blocks if the dining hall is full or cleaning is taking place.
  • void dining_student_leave(dining_t* dining): Called when a student leaves.
  • void dining_cleaning_enter(dining_t* dining): Called when the cleaning providers comes in.
    • Blocks if there is a student or cleaning is already taking place.
  • void dining_cleaning_leave(dining_t* dining): Called when cleaning is complete
  • void dining_destroy(dining** ptr)

Example 1

dining_t* d = dining_init(3);

dining_student_enter(d); // student 1
dining_student_enter(d); // student 2
dining_student_enter(d); // student 3

// cannot enter so this blocks
dining_student_enter(d); // student 4

// on a different thread
dining_student_leave(d); // student 1 leaves, allowing student 4 to enter
dining_student_leave(d); // student 2
dining_student_leave(d); // student 3
dining_student_leave(d); // student 4


Example 2

dining_t* d = dining_init(3);

dining_student_enter(d); // student 1

// this blocks

// on a different thread
dining_student_leave(d); // student 1 leaves. cleaning starts.

// cleaning in progress; cannot enter
dining_student_enter(d); // student 2

// on a different thread
dining_cleaning_leave(d); // cleaning is done. student 2 can enter.



Extra credit (20 points)

  • A naive implementation allows students to enter even if the cleaning provider is waiting.
    • If new students constantly enter the dining hall, the cleaning provider will have to wait indefinitely.
  • Change your code so that cleaning provider does not have to wait indefinitely. Assume that students leave after a reasonable amount of time.
  • (Work on this if you're absolutely sure about the required part)

Lock (Mutex)

  • Provides mutual exclusion between threads
    • If one thread is in the critical section, it excludes the others from entering until it has completed the section
  • Either locked or unlocked
  • Allows only one thread to acquire a lock
pthread_mutex_t lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
balance = balance + 1;

Condition Variable

  • Mutex isn't powerful enough in some situations
int balance = 0;

void renter() {
  int salary = work_hard();
  balance += salary;

void landlord() {
  while(!(balance >= 1200)) {
    // waiting...
  balance -= 1200;

Condition Variable


int balance = 0;
pthread_mutex_t m;

void renter() {
  int salary = work_hard();
  balance += salary;

void landlord() {
  while(!(balance >= 1200)) {
    // ?
  balance -= 1200;

Condition Variable

int balance = 0;
pthread_mutex_t m;

void renter() {
  int salary = work_hard();
  balance += salary;

void landlord() {
  while(!(balance >= 1200)) {
    // wait for renter to deposit
  balance -= 1200;

Condition Variable

int balance = 0;
mutex_t m;
pthread_cond_t c;

void renter() {
  int salary = work_hard();
  balance += salary;

void landlord() {
  while(!(balance >= 1200)) {
    pthread_cond_wait(&c, &m); // unlock -> wait for signal -> lock
  balance -= 1200;

Condition Variable (Broadcast)

pthread_cond_signal sends a signal to one thread. But it is possible that, because of the change the thread made, more than one thread can unblock. Use pthread_cond_broadcast to send signals to all the threads waiting on the condition variable.

int balance = 0;
mutex_t m;
pthread_cond_t c;

void renter() {
  int salary = work_hard();
  balance += salary;
  pthread_cond_broadcast(&c); // notify both landlord and IRS

void landlord() {
  while(!(balance >= 1200)) {
    pthread_cond_wait(&c, &m);
  balance -= 1200;

void irs() {
  while(!(balance >= 500)) {
    pthread_cond_wait(&c, &m);
  balance -= 500;


  • An object with an integer value
  • Two operations:
    • Down (Wait, P): Decrement the value, block if 0
    • Up (Post, V): Increment
  • Users specify the initial value
    • If initialized to two, works as a lock


sem_t sem;
int ret;
int count = 2;

sem_init(&sem, 0, count);

sem_wait(&sem); // -> 1
sem_wait(&sem); // -> 0
sem_wait(&sem); // -> -1? block

// on a different thread
sem_post(&sem); // unblock ↑

This doesn't work because the landlord blocks the render from depositing